Bringing Deliverance Through The Truth Of God’s Word


Dr. Pamela BanksLee, Pastor

Website: Opening God’s Word

Pamela BanksLee is a graduate of North Carolina State University where she received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Applied Mathematics, Bachelor of Science Degree in Textile Technology, Master of Science Degree in Textile Marketing and Management in 1979, and Ph.D. in Fiber and Polymer Science.  It was during her graduate school years that Jesus began to tug at her heart through her roommate Terry, and the United Students Fellowship, under the direction of Dr. Shelton Murphy who was at that time an undergraduate student at NC State. Pam surrendered her life to Jesus on December 10, 1978. While in graduate school Pam began working alongside Dr. Murphy in campus ministry, first teaching new believers Bible studies, then general Bible study, and delivering the Sunday morning message. Pam accepted the call to the ministry in February of 1984. While working as a college professor at NC State, she also served as Assistant Pastor to the United Student Fellowship on that Campus for 15 years and saw attendance grow from 30 people to an average of 250 people attending Sunday morning services. Upon leaving the United Student Fellowship, she began worshiping with Celebration United Methodist Church where she served as Minister of Education under the pastoral leadership of Dr. Joey Connelly. Pam also continued working in campus ministry, preaching biweekly on NC State’s campus. Sensing the call to Pastor, Pam and her husband Claude accepted the opportunity to begin New Freedom Christian Fellowship in May of 2003 and held their first service on Sunday June 1, 2003.

Pam has a heart for discipling young believers and as such she seeks to nurture, patiently every precious soul that Jesus sends her way.  She finds joy in seeing believers grow to maturity, find their place in kingdom building and move into the call God has on their life.

Greetings From the Pastor

From my Heart to Yours

Often people think of pastoring as just another occupation or another office in serving God.  But in Jeremiah 3:15 the Lord says, “And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding.”  Pastors are a gift given to the body of Christ according to God’s own heart, with the responsibility of feeding knowledge and understanding of the will of God.  When I started out as a pastor it was because I felt the call of God on my life and therefore in an attempt to please God I took the responsibility very seriously. Twenty years down the road, I still take the responsibility very seriously and yes, I still want to please God.  But there is something more, for I have grown to love those whom God sends to me.  God, through New Freedom has taught me to love in a manner that seeks your highest good; and to love in a way that overlooks and forgives weaknesses.  I now realize what a gift New Freedom has been to me.  New Freedom began with a desire to be “A Church with a Heart for People” and that continues to be our desire.  Thank you, New Freedom, for allowing our community to see the heart of God through our continuing ministries of service.

New Freedom, we may never build a large cathedral, but by the grace of God and His empowering strength what we will do is continue to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, to preach that there is salvation in no other name, and to teach that the deliverance needed to overcome the snares of this world can only be found in trusting the truth of God’s Word. 

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